International Affair Talks Take Place In Geneva

Geneva is the host to a very important international political discussion involving the United Nations but more importantly for these meeting in Geneva, between The United State of America, China, France, Germany, and Russia as they attempt to resolve the ever going problem of weapons of mass destruction with Iran. US diplomat John Kerry will be meeting with Iranian officials to clarify and speak about the steps that can be taken to prevent Tehran from developing weapons of mass destruction.

The problem now is determining the economic sanction Iran will receive for threatening the UN with the thought of nuclear weapons. US diplomat John Kerry is planing to meet with Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian Foreign Minister who will attempt to clear the air and resolve the current state of tension. Java Zarif explains in a statement with Economic Times,” Tehran denies ever seeking atomic weapons but Western powers are unconvinced its activities have been solely aimed at peaceful energy production.”

Even though meetings and deals are attempting to be met, the parties are expected to get a deal framework by April. No deal is expected to be finalized though until summer just prior to July.

The last meeting between Kerry and Zarif in Munich ended with both parties agreeing to not extend deadlines since they both understand this deal is going to be difficult to reach nonetheless, but constantly extending the deadline will inflate the current situation rather then alleviating the problem.

For more on Geneva and updates involving Geneva, please visit Scott Filler‘s official website.